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How To Create Weather App Using React.js With Current Location & Search City

4 years ago
How To Create Weather App Using React.js With Current Location & Search City by html hints

In this Article, I’ll demonstrate how to build weather application that performs two task. First, this app will show Real time weather of your Current location & Second, it will shows the Weather conditions of a particular city when you search the particular city.

While making this app you will learn all the basics in React.js such as Hooks, States, Props, Components, effects, API Call, Dynamic data display, Dynamic fetch data, Working with forms, & many more. Let's start coding!


For Demo & Source Code Scroll down.

#Setting up React

    mkdir weather

    cd weather
    npx create-react-app weather

The installation process will start immediately and once completed, your react setup is successfully completed and it will redirect on your browser in localhost:3000.

#Install packages

These packages are:

  • 1. react-animated-weather
  • 2. react-live-clock
  • 3. axios
  • To install these packages simply add npm i before name of any package & it will get included into your react app.

    #Get your API Keys

    To get weather data we need to use API to fetch data & for that i have used Open Weather Map API. Its free to use & highly accurate data.

    To get your keys, simply sign up into Open Weather & then confirm your email account & after this you will get Your API key. Your API Key will be sent to to mail & also you can find your key into dashboard in the same website.

    Now, finally you got your API Key then include that key into your app by creating new file apiKeys.js & add your key with API domain.

        module.exports = {
          key: "{Your API Key Here}",
          base: "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/",

    #App phase-1 (Current location weather data)

    First, let's see how we can detect user's current location using navigator.geolocation. This allows a Web site or app to return customized results based on the user's location. Make a new file know as currentLocation.js.

        if (navigator.geolocation) {
            .then((position) => {
              this.getWeather(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
        } else {
          alert("Geolocation not available");

    In above code, i'm fetching user's current location on the basis on latitude & longitude after this passing values into getWeather() where we'll fetch data by passing latitude value & longitude value through API. Also note that i've checked position because this is a by default return value & latitude & longitude are also by default. To learn more about default values you can get by using navigator.geolocation visit Here.

    If you run above code, location prompt will be open which ask from user to allow or block location access to your app.

    Now, Question will arise that if user allow location service then all good app will work fine but if user denied then what will happen ?. We also solved this issue.

        if (navigator.geolocation) {
            .then((position) => {
              this.getWeather(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
            .catch((err) => {
              this.getWeather(28.67, 77.22);
                "You have disabled location service."
        } else {
          alert("Geolocation not available");

    Now, if you notice we have added .catch((err) into existing code & this will detect if user denied location service then Catch block will be executed. In this block i've simply displayed alert box with message "You have disabled location service.", So user can enable the location by going into settings.

    Also we need our app to run even is user disabled location service for that I've simply passed random latitude & longitude values into getWeather() & values such as getWeather(28.67, 77.22). This will let our app run with random coordinates & after user enable location service app will show data according to that.

    #Phase-1 (Get weather Data)

    Now, We have user's current location coordinates & API Key. We just need to pass location coordinates value with API. Also we make sure that API can be accessed Dynamic so every time any user form any location open your app data should be show according to user's location.


    This is How Dynamic API in React can be build. As we already created apiKeys.js file where our Key is stored. We need to include that file into this one to access key.

      import apiKeys from "./apiKeys";

    Now after include apiKey file, We can access by using apiKeys.key & apiKeys.base. Get back to URL ${lat} & ${lon} are the parameters which will contain latitude & longitude value which we got through using navigator.geolocation.

        getWeather = async (lat, lon) => {
          const api_call = await fetch(
          const data = await api_call.json();
            lat: lat,
            lon: lon,
            city: data.name,
            temperatureC: Math.round(data.main.temp),
            temperatureF: Math.round(data.main.temp * 1.8 + 32),
            humidity: data.main.humidity,
            main: data.weather[0].main,
            country: data.sys.country,

    In above code, we used Async/Await to fetch data from API. After passing coordinates value. We will setState all the data, which we got through using API & display that data.

    #App phase-2 (Weather conditions of a particular city)

    Concept behind getting data for Current location is same for Weather conditions of a particular city only difference is we are using React Hooks to use states in this.

        const [query, setQuery] = useState("");
        const [error, setError] = useState("");
        const [weather, setWeather] = useState({});

    Now, let's see how we can get data through form & then pass that to API & get weather data.

        placeholder="Search any city"
        onChange={(e) => setQuery(e.target.value)}
      <div className="img-box">
        {" "}

    In above code, when user enter any city name into search filed then we will store that data into setQuery by using onChange & e.target.value. e.target.value is used to get value which user is entering into search field. After this we want user to click on Search icon where search function will call & there we will fetch weather data for query which user passed.

        const search = (city) => {
                city != "[object Object]" ? city : query
            .then((response) => {
            .catch(function (error) {
              setError({ message: "Not Found", query: query });

    Concept of Dynamic binding API is same as previous just two changes. First one iscity != "[object Object]" ? city : query, this is because when user is opening app for first time then:

        useEffect(() => {
        }, []);

    Above code will call where i've pass name of random city to fill the blank space & after user search for any other city then random city data which i've defined when user open app for first time data of that will be swapped with searched query. To make sure that Random city data run for once i;ve used above code with [].

    Now to ensure that user didn't search for any city yet & user is opening app for first time. I've simply checked in city Parameter that if its contain "[object Object]" which means that there is instance of an object & if that so then query will true otherwise city parameter will true.

            city != "[object Object]" ? city : query

    Now second change, In API we will passed city name parameter rather than latitude & longitude parameter as shown in above code. In previous we fetched data using Async/Await but in this we'll fetch data using axios

        const search = (city) => {
                city != "[object Object]" ? city : query
            .then((response) => {
            .catch(function (error) {
              setError({ message: "Not Found", query: query });

    Here is the full code view when data will be fetched then it will set to setWeather(response.data) & will make setQuery("") empty to get another query from user.

    Also if user searched for wrong city name then have setError({ message: "Not Found", query: query });, Which will be show error message with the query that user searched.

    #Animated weather

    Showing weather icon according to climate condition of searched city or current location of user is done by using NPM Package know as react-animated-weather

    First, I've state icon: "CLEAR_DAY" & then define some other default values such as:

        const defaults = {
          color: "white",
          size: 112,
          animate: true,

    Above code will define Color, size & animation of weather icon. Now to get icon Dynamic according to the weather condition. We do switch case for climate condition data which we got through API. this.state.main is containing climate condition & now fill perform switch case on that value.

        switch (this.state.main) {
          case "Haze":
            this.setState({ icon: "CLEAR_DAY" });
          case "Clouds":
            this.setState({ icon: "CLOUDY" });
          case "Rain":
            this.setState({ icon: "RAIN" });
          case "Snow":
            this.setState({ icon: "SNOW" });
          case "Dust":
            this.setState({ icon: "WIND" });
          case "Drizzle":
            this.setState({ icon: "SLEET" });
          case "Fog":
            this.setState({ icon: "FOG" });
          case "Smoke":
            this.setState({ icon: "FOG" });
          case "Tornado":
            this.setState({ icon: "WIND" });
            this.setState({ icon: "CLEAR_DAY" });

    In above code, CASE containing the defined values by openweathermap & then i've this.setState({ icon: "Icon_Name" }); & in Icon_Name here you need to define appropriate animated icon name. react-animated-weather icon names are defined here.

    You will get all files, when you download the source code. And after than you can edit it according to you

    if you face any issues you can contact by asking question with article link.

    You can go through Demo as well as Download source code for the same & make changes according to you


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