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How to make a whatsapp bot in python

Hints Staff
4 years ago
How to make a whatsapp bot in python by html hints

In this python tutorial, we’ll learn how to send an unlimited messages by using terminal to a group or any individual person from your own WhatsApp account. All of this will work on only 13 Lines of Code written in python.

For Demo & Source Code Scroll down.

To run this code you need to install Selenium. Selenium is a web automation framework used for testing purposes. For more info you can go through from Here

#Command to install selenium

pip install selenium

After installing selenium folloe below steps-

1. from selenium import webdriver

2. driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:\dynamodb\chromedriver.exe')

Above are the basic step to install driver to run the python program & then we can start our program

You can launch Terminal & run program (Reference files given below to run this program). After compilation it will ask -

1. Enter name of user - where you need to enter name of that user whom you want to send message.

2. Enter the message - Enter your messgae which you want to send to that user.

3. Enter number of times - Here you will define number of times you need to send that particular message to that user.

You will get all files, when you download the source code. And after than you can edit it according to you

if you face any issues you can contact by asking question with article link.

You can go through Demo as well as Download source code for the same & make changes according to you


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